Saturday, May 16, 2015

I Trust You

I trust you. Every parent likes to hear these three words.  The very first year of a child’s life is crucial for the psychosocial development of trust (vs mistrust). During this time, a child learns to trust his or her caregiver, unless abuse or neglect occurs. We want our children to trust us and have confidence in their own life. Likewise, our Heavenly Father desires us to trust Him, and come to Him with this childlike faith (trust).

“And calling to him (Jesus) a child, he put him in the midst of them (the disciples) and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’” Matthew 18:2-3 ESV. What does Jesus mean, “...become like children”? He means to have that childlike faith of trust. Most young children will trust their parents or caregivers. If they get hurt, feel ill, or become scared; they run to their parents for help.

My Little Men were all stuck in a tree. I raised my arms and asked them to jump. One son did and soon his feet touched the ground. Another, who was the highest up, followed suit and leaped into my arms. The remaining son would not jump. I tried coaxing him and explaining that I successfully assisted his brothers out of the tree. No! He would not trust me. I was the same Mom to him as I was to his brothers. Why did he refuse to trust me? Yes, it broke my heart.

I imagine God’s heart breaking. He is the same God to all of His children. His love and promises never fail.
          “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
          And lean not on your own understanding;
          In all your ways acknowledge Him,
          And He shall direct[a] your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV.
I wonder, am I willing to jump without hesitation into my Father’s arms, or am I scared and yelling, “No!”

In our season of waiting, fear creeps in. Forgive me, Father, when I cause Your heart to break! My heart’s desire and most joyous times are when I lean on promises from God’s Word to His children. From experience, I much rather prefer resting in His arms, than remaining stuck in a tree. O! Heavenly Father, I trust Thee!

                                                                            ~ Jenny ~

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