Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Beginnings

Almost 5 months. I think healing's a life long process. A loved one will always be alive in one's heart. There are so many days I long to call Granny, to hear her, to see her, to smell her, to touch her. I can no longer smell her on her blanket or pillow. I can still hear her voice, laugh, & advice. I miss the rituals we had together & hold on to the traditions. I love to share family traditions with our boys. Maybe one day they'll be sharing them with their own children & adding new ones of their own.

Slowly, I'm pressin' on. God's faithfulness is amazing. His love is comforting. His Word is lasting. His life is eternal. He blessed me with 38 years of a most wonderful Granny. I've learned though how much my life was rooted in her. I'm slowly rooting myself in His Word, which encourages, teaches, disciplines, and comforts. I'm looking forward to one day meeting God and also seeing my dear Granny.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

house is gone
feeling empty
missing family
missing friends
... hope this emotional roller coaster ends soon...