Friday, May 4, 2012


As for God, his way is perfect:
      The Lord’s word is flawless;
      he shields all who take refuge in him.
For who is God besides the Lord?
And who is the Rock except our God?

     It is God who arms me with strength
     and keeps my way secure.     ~Psalm 18:30-32

Walking along rivers, I'm careful of my footing, testing each rock before I put weight on it. Especially as I age, the last thing I want to do is step on an unsteady rock and splash into the water! In life I'm not always as careful and sometimes am surprised to find myself suddenly soaked. Not all rocks are the same. They come in various forms, and there is only one true solid rock.

I've looked for stability in different rocks:

Abilities: Dancing gave me such comfort, joy, and power. I would escape into a world all of my own. It would take away any fears, stresses, or sadness. It was beautiful and effortless. I would find myself flying and able to do anything. Interpreting for the deaf filled me with joy. I loved being able to help others communicate and bridge a gap. It was challenging and growing for me. I have other 'pebble-sized' abilities, I would love to nurture - photography, cooking, quilting, playing the piano and clarinet for starters. What happens? Accidents, medical conditions, and even priority of time can bring these abilities to an end or slow them down.

Achievements: As a child I was excited to receive ribbons, pins, and trophies for various activities. An oratory award was one of my highlights. I had worked tremendously on a speech and was happily surprised by the plaque. My idea of achievements as I matured has changed. What a joy for my husband and I to have twins and then to be blessed with another! Ha! Even getting back to a size 6 after my last son was an achievement. What happens? Time... life... My 'achievements' seem minimal now... getting dinner on the table, the kids to their current sport, church, or doctors on time, finishing laundry, and even dusting once in a blue moon.

Approval from others: Granny and Grandma. I always had their approval. Being around them was like a little bit of heaven on earth. I knew I was special and loved just being in their presence. I never had to worry about saying or doing the right or wrong thing. Oh, I miss them! Unfortunately, I unnecessarily seek others' approval and often question if I have it ~ friends, parents, other family, supervisors, co-workers, husband, and even my children. I'm thrilled to see this compulsion occur less and less in my life.

Which of these is the most anchored? None. Abilities change and can be lost. Achievements bring temporary joy and leave me wanting more. Approval is never achieved, fades, or is severed. God is my ONLY rock. Whenever I move from His foundation or hop onto another rock, I fall. He gives me salvation, joy, comfort, strength, blessings, love, guidance, and so much more. Christ walks with me through the valleys, peaks, and everywhere in between. He is my rock. He never moves. If I've fallen, it's because I've moved. The best part? Christ will pick me up and carry me until I'm strong again to walk.

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
      my hope comes from Him.
Truly He is my rock and my salvation;
      He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
      He is my mighty rock, my refuge.      ~Psalm 62:5-7

Monday, April 16, 2012


Who am I? Character is who I truly am. What I am when no one is looking. What I'll be remembered for.

I've been reading Like a Rock:Becoming a Person of Character by Andy Stanley. He begins with an excerpt from Stephen Convey's book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Imagine walking down an aisle to a casket at a funeral. When you look inside, it is yourself. Sitting, you listen to your spouse, children, a close friend, your pastor, and a neighbor remembering you. What do you want to be remembered for?

I did an exercise about what I'd want each of the above to say. Yes, that I was a good cook and baker, but also so much more. I realized I wanted to be seen as genuine, trustworthy, patient, and available. {How funny is life! As I wrote 'available', one of my sons came in to chat. Available... fingers off of the keyboard, head turned towards him, and hugs and lap 'available'. Never do I want an electronic to come before those I love.} There's more... an encourager, gentle, forgiver, great faith in all circumstances, and amazing hope. Yes, still there are more, but you get the idea.

I can't wait to dive deeper into the book and see how Stanley continues with growing in character. Personally, my thoughts turned to my thoughts. Too often my mind focuses on my fears, failures, and if you will, those 'negatives.' That could never lead to good character. It is garbage, and just like we tie up the trash and take it out nightly, these thoughts need to be surrendered and weeded out. I think of Philippians 4:8:

  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

I believe basic steps to the character you want begins with roots. My roots are in Christ, continually growing deeper. Know what you want to be remembered for - your character, your list. Then turn (focus) your thoughts on those things. Focus on Philippians 4:8. I truly believe what we mediate on will have an impact on our character.

Friday, April 6, 2012

It's Friday...

A couple of things hit me today. A friend told me I'd like a site, "Broken People". Yes, we are broken people. God loves us anyway. He LOVES each one of us ~ He places the broken pieces together in our lives. GRACE. Another friend posted a video about Good Friday. Today is Friday, but Sunday is a comin'. AMEN! Once again, GRACE.

Friday... Jesus' death. Gloom. Failure. Depression. Hope has died. Broken... How many of our lives feel like that? All different elements play into these feelings. Jobs. Careers (or lack of.) Marriages (or lack of.) Children (or lack of.) Weight. Moves. Loneliness. Deaths. Finances. Living up to other's expectations (or our own.) The past. Physical ailments. We all have our own 'Fridays'. None of which compare to Christ's, yet they are painful to us.

I am tired of Friday. Sometimes left alone, we let these circumstances overwhelm or control us. Why? Habit? We like it? Fear? No! We are ALL special and created by God. God doesn't make mistakes. Man does; that is why we forgive one another (and ourselves.) We don't have to live in our 'Friday' mindset. It's time to move on to Sunday!

Sunday... Christ AROSE!!! He conquered death, not through His death, but through His resurrection. We are His children, and should live & serve with His hope! GRACE. Sunday is our peace. Christ is our peace in the midst of any storm we face, whether mild or a hurricane. Get out of our comfort zone. Face our lives, and any storms that may be in it or come our way, with Christ. He will give the peace which our hearts and minds so desire. The Holy Spirit will guide us through each step of the way ~ with hope.

It's time (for me at least) to not live like it's Friday, but Sunday. I am broken, but not defeated. My weaknesses and 'falls' can be used to glorify God and for His good.

 I Peter 1:3-6  ~  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials